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THE STARDUST GRAIL by Yume Kitasei Kirkus Star


by Yume Kitasei

Pub Date: June 11th, 2024
ISBN: 9781250875372
Publisher: Flatiron Books

A reformed thief sets out on one final heist across the universe.

After her last attempt at stealing alien artifacts went disastrously wrong, Maya Hoshimoto has settled down, interning in Princeton’s archives and working on her graduate degree while her friend and partner in thievery, Auncle, remains among the stars, searching for the grail that might save xyr dwindling race. When Maya happens upon a field notebook key to finding the grail, she resists only momentarily before returning to Auncle. But Auncle and Maya are not the only ones on the hunt. The nodes that connect Earth to other planets and space-capable people are degrading, and the Earth’s military coalition wants the grail to save the nodes. With Earth’s military and Princeton and Yale faculty on their heels, Maya and Auncle race across many worlds following in the footsteps of a human explorer who disappeared more than 100 years ago. Along the way, they grapple with the vast gap between cultures that developed on separate planets, the ethics of theft and museums, and what it means to be human—or alien—all while trying to cause as little destruction as possible. Broad in scope, covering everything from the rise and fall of alien civilizations to what it means to be a person, this is a luminous work, vacillating between the highs and lows of human experience and how they might translate across alien worlds. Sympathetic, flawed characters demonstrate how individual actions can reverberate through the past and future.

Wondrous, new, and altogether alien.