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RISE OF THE RED HAND by Olivia Chadha


From the Mechanists series, volume 1

by Olivia Chadha

Pub Date: Jan. 19th, 2021
ISBN: 978-1-64566-010-1
Publisher: Erewhon

In a divided future, two teens struggle to save their respective worlds.

In the South Asian Province, Uplanders approved by Solace Corporation live in Central City, a sheltered and technologically advanced city. Perfected by genetic edits, even their thought processes are sped up with neural-synch implants that keep them constantly connected. Riz-Ali interns at Solace Corp, secretly playing mecha fighting games on the underweb and seeking the rebel organization Red Hand in hopes of learning the truth behind his uncle’s death. Those who fail the Solace tests live in the Narrows, an area plagued with disease, poisoned air, undrinkable water, and scorching heat. These Downlanders, orphaned and wounded by the deadly aftermath of World War III, scavenge Uplander technology for prosthetics and survive by forming found families and through the support of the Red Hand. Ashiva, a Red Hand trainee, strives to bring the fight for justice to Central. When the Planetary Alliance Commission’s gaze falls on their province, Ashiva’s and Riz’s paths collide. Steeped in elements from real-life South Asian cultures, the worldbuilding is original and intriguing, incorporating dystopian and utopian elements along with current hot issues such as societal inequities, digital surveillance, and technology’s impact on humanity. Explanatory infodumps and some awkward scene transitions and dialogue weaken an otherwise strong and intricate story. While the side cast is expansive and interesting, they remain underdeveloped due to unbalanced pacing, and readers will hope for more time with them in future volumes. All characters are South Asian.

An entertaining series opener.

(glossary) (Dystopian. 12-18)