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SPIRAL by Aidan Koch


And Other Stories

by Aidan Koch

Pub Date: April 30th, 2024
ISBN: 9781681378350
Publisher: New York Review Comics

Across the main title story and three shorter stories, artist and graphic novelist Koch contemplates nature and relationships via sparse, impressionistic art and laconic narration and dialogue.

In the title story, an unnamed woman visits her friend Lise and Lise’s partner, Yann, at Yann’s ancestral home in the woods; Yann is constructing a lake house near a rough-hewn monolith that dates back millennia. The woman and Lise share a playfully teasing relationship, hinting at a deep familiarity and affection while bantering along the edges of uncomfortable topics like tension between Lise and Yann and the woman’s plan to begin work at a distant farm in order to reclaim her life after a challenging period. The story flows along atmospherically and languidly, intercutting and contrasting nonfigurative organic imagery (particularly chunky blue curves of flowing water) with rigid lines and grids that imply the structure of human endeavor. White space dominates the pages, the emptiness amplifying bright splashes of watercolor, dabs and slabs of earth tones, and the striking visages of Koch’s characters. Koch gorgeously captures the poignancy of facial expressions (anchored by soulful eyes and wriggled brows) and the poetry of a body’s pose. This keen eye for kinesiology runs through all four stories, most notably in “Man Made Lake,” where a jumble of shapes and collage quickly coalesces into a series of bifurcated pages containing a pair of humanoid silhouettes stretching and moving, seemingly in response to each other, before transforming into fish and water. The interrelation between humanity and nature is central to the work and explained at length in an afterword from editor Nicole Rudick that serves as a museum placard to Koch’s impressionistic work.

Boldly meditative and enriching.